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1. It’s Valentine’s Day!!! Did you know, that every year, more than 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolates are sold across the US?!

2. These chocolate chia pudding cups (pictured above) would be the perfect way to celebrate. I top them with whipped coconut cream.

3. Isn’t it the BEST when you have EXACTLY the right amount of an ingredient for a recipe?! Likewise, it’s incredibly annoying when you’re short like 2 tbsp of something!

4. True Detective – Season 3. I’m loving this season! The old-age makeup on Mahershala Ali is incredible. The makeup artists from Outlander should take notes. Just sayin’.

5. When you can’t get a sticker off of something you just bought. And if you do get it off, it leaves a sticky film. Argh!

6. When you’re waiting in line and you just have ONE QUICK thing to do or buy, and the person in front of you is taking foooooreeeevvver.

7. Reading this roundup from Girl Heart Food and having my mind blown. Coffee beans are NOT BEANS!

8. Dr. Pepper with Kraken black spiced rum. You’ve got to try it!

9. The change rooms at swimming pools. I have an unreasonable hatred of them. Walking around on those wet floors with my bare feet just gross me out so much. Not to mention the stray hairs. Ugh. Can’t. Handle. It.

10. These Valentine’s Day Recipes on the blog. Happy day of love, all!

Rice Krispie Hearts



About Katherine

Heeey! Thank you for stopping by! I like 30-minute dinners and giant peanut butter cups made with only 3 ingredients. I LOVE food! If you do too, you're in the right place.

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  1. Ok, seriously, so much stuff!! True Detective? Totally forgot about it and meant to watch. Definitely have to catch up! Also, stickers? Why?! So annoying when it’s all gluey, right?? Spiked Dr. Pepper? Say what? Haven’t seen around. Thanks for the shout out, girlie, and for a fun post! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! XO

    1. You definitely have to catch up on True Detective! We’re loving this season!! WHHHHY the stickers?! They should really know better. And YES – you’ve got to try that spiked Dr. Pepper! Hope you had fun celebrating your pup’s birthday 🙂 Happy Valentine’s to you!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day Katherine! I love these posts. They always make me laugh and I can relate to so many of them. Like #5 is a total argh!

    1. I’m so glad, that’s totally what I’m going for 😉 TOTAL ARGH right? Especially when you want to use something new and pretty that you bought for blogging!

  3. Those stickers! The worst is when they’re on a mug or something cute that’s meant to be looked at and then you have a little sticky spot that makes it totally not cute until you can finally scrape off that film. UGH. Have a great weekend, Katherine!

    1. YES exactly, especially if you want to take photos with said cute mug! So annoying, right? Hah, thanks Kelsie. Have a great weekend yourself!!

  4. Stickers are my nemesis. The Type A in me wants the OFF. I ate so many sweets today that I’m glad the hubby never would consider buying me a box of chocolates. Whew. xo

    1. HAH! I know exactly what you mean, Liz. I am also glad I didn’t get a box of chocolate, or I’d be in trouble. Cheers, friend!

  5. I always enjoy reading your thoughts for Thursday! It reminded me that I was making cookies and I literally was a few tablespoons short of flour. How did I run out of flour?!?! So annoying!! I hope you had an awesome Valentine’s Day!

    1. Aaargh so frustrating hey!? I’ve had that happen too, and then you just have to hope for the best haha! Thanks friend! You too!