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Literally eat your bowl for breakfast with this SUPER easy and delicious cantaloupe bowl! A yummy fruit breakfast bowl that is completely customizable and healthy.

canteloupe breakfast bowl

What’s your take on melon? I ADORE watermelon, but other melons have never really made me jump with excitement. You know when you order a fruit salad and it’s primarily melons and grapes? That’s always a little bit disappointing for me. My ideal fruit salad would be just a ton of berries, with maybe a bit of watermelon and some pineapple. And kiwi. Maybe mango. All the exotic fruits for me, please!

Anyway, lately I’ve been buying my fair share of cantaloupe. It’s usually on for a pretty great price, and the kids have been loving it. I have to admit, I’ve been loving it too. I’m trying to incorporate way more fruits and veggies into my diet these days, and I’ve grown to look forward to my juicy cantaloupe in the mornings. I realized one morning that when you scrape out the seeds from one half, it makes the PERFECT bowl!

What is a breakfast cantaloupe bowl?

Basically, it is a bowl made of melon! You know how the inside of a melon is full of that soft, squishy bit? Scrape that all out, then use the hole that is leftover after scraping to fill with all sorts of goodies. I love to fill mine up with yogurt, granola, and some berries and seeds. It’s soooo good!

The juice from the cantaloupe starts to seep into the yogurt and granola, making the filling SO juicy and sweet.


How big of a cantaloupe should you buy for this recipe?

The cantaloupe bowl can get pretty big if you choose a larger melon, so if a whole half of a cantaloupe seems like way too much for just one person, be sure to pick a very small melon for this recipe, or plan on scraping out some of the fruit along with the seeds to save for later. I eat a pretty big breakfast so I usually have no trouble with a whole half to myself!

What do you put in a cantaloupe bowl?

The filling is also totally customizable. Yogurt is my favorite option, but I’ve also done cottage cheese mixed with berries, and even some dry cereal and a bit of milk. I’ve got a few granola options for you too! Whatever tickles your fancy that morning.

You can also use some actual cantaloupe chunks for the bowl too, if you scoop out some balls before loading it up. I love my melon baller for this!! My husband laughed when I first bought a melon baller, but I think he’s since changed his tune after seeing how useful it can be 😉 I think we’ve used it for a number of things, melon being just one of them!

Anyway, on that note, I’ll leave you to it. I hope you give these fruity breakfast bowls a try! Cantaloupe often seems to go on sale so you can pick a few up to experiment with!

Have a great week my friends!

Now commences, the EASIEST recipe I’ve ever written.

Canteloupe Breakfast Bowl

Some other great breakfast ideas:

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Breakfast Cantaloupe Bowl

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  • Author: Katherine
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 2 bowls 1x


Literally eat your bowl for breakfast with this SUPER easy and delicious cantaloupe bowl! A yummy fruit breakfast bowl that is completely customizable and healthy.


  • 1 small cantaloupe

Filling Ideas

  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup granola
  • handful of seeds, any kind
  • berries, any kind


  1. Cut the cantaloupe in half, horizontally. Scoop out the seeds and scrape out some of the fruit to create a “bowl”. Fill the bowl with yogurt, granola or any other fillings you desire! Enjoy!

I usually eat one half and save the other half for the next day, keeping it in the fridge.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Category: breakfast
  • Method: no bake
  • Cuisine: american
Recipe Card powered byTasty Recipes
Breakfast Cantaloupe Bowl

About Katherine

Heeey! Thank you for stopping by! I like 30-minute dinners and giant peanut butter cups made with only 3 ingredients. I LOVE food! If you do too, you're in the right place.

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  1. I love melon but I’m with you when it comes to fruit salad–give me ALL the berries and maybe a chunk or two of cantaloupe and a couple grapes. That said, I’m totally digging this cantaloupe bowl for breakfast. Healthy, easy, delicious–what more could you ask for? Have a great week, Katherine!

    1. YES – why so many melons and grapes!? Thanks Kelsie! It is such a great little change for breakfast!

  2. Love all sorts of fruit, but cantaloupe is one that I don’t have often enough and when I do I think I need to have more often! Love the presentation here and particularly love how customizable it is! Such a fun way to stay on the healthy eating track 🙂

    1. Yes, I’m the same! I usually don’t get too excited about it, but when I eat it I think I should really eat it more! Thanks Dawn, it was a really fun recipe to photograph and style!

  3. Are you in South Africa? (I noticed on your “about” page that one of your sons was born there.) That’d explain why you’re getting good cantaloupe this time of year. Melos are one of those things where we’re exposed to so many flavorless, bland ones … and when you finally get ahold of a really good, really fresh, really in-season one, they’re so amazing. Anyway, I never though about making a breakfast bowl out of one, but what great idea! I want to have one of these served to me sitting out on a porch somewhere looking out at the ocean.

    1. I’m not! My husband was born and raised in SA. I do know what you mean about the cantaloupe here, not a lot of juice! It helps to stuff it full of delicious things though 😉 I definitely want to have one some day while staring off into the ocean!!

  4. You’re so right about melons! I do love watermelon and cantaloupe, but the others are not that interesting – give me pineapples, berries and mangoes every day and I’m a happy girl. But cantaloupe is the perfect easy breakfast, especially with a little yogurt and granola. – easy and delicious! Thanks for the inspiration, Katherine!

    1. YES to pineapples, berries and mangoes! Cantaloupe is definitely not as inspiring, but stuffing it full of delicious things helps!!

  5. While I’m a HUGE fan of melons and watermelons, I normally don’t buy them in winter – pricy and not that succulent. However, this breakfast bowl looks so beautiful that I should reconsider my approach. P.S. Have you ever tried a Santa Claus melon? They’re amazing (in my opinion), and I think this kind might be excellent around this season.

    1. YES I know what you mean, Ben. I have NEVER heard of a Santa Clause melon!! That sounds so fun though, I need to immediately google it. I’m assuming it’s a winter melon!?

  6. Watermelon is my favorite fruit. I can have a fruit salad comprised of just watermelon.😃 But a juicy, ripe canteloupe is heavenly too! I love this! It’s healthy and delicious and gets the day started on the right foot 🙂

    1. I hear ya! I LOVE watermelon too. Have you ever had a watermelon shake? You would love it! Thanks Thao!!